ब्लॉग आर्काइव

English grammar लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं
English grammar लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं

बुधवार, 29 अप्रैल 2020

(Use of Will Have)

Affirmative Sentences (सकारात्मक वाक्य) Future Perfect is used to describe actions in the future that have been completed.

Future Perfect (अपूर्ण भविष्य) का उपयोग भविष्य काल के उन गतिविधियों के विवरण किया जाता है जो पूरे हो चुके हैं.

The future tense of "to have" is "will have." Technically, it's "I shall have" but it's "will have" for everyone else, and is usually said for "I." 

वह चला गया होगा !He will have gone.
हम पढ़ लिए होंगे !We will have read.
तुमने खा लिया होगा !You will have eaten food
रमेश नचा होगा !Ramesh will have danced.
वह नहा लिया होगा !He will have taken Bath.
में बिस्तर पर सोया हूँगा !I will have slept on bed.
रानी रोई होगी !Rani will have Wept.
सोनू ने इस बारे में सोचा होगा !Sonu will have thought about this.
सूरज ने उसके बारे में जाना होगा !Suraj will have known about her.

(Use of Will Have)

Negative Sentences  Future Perfect is used to describe actions in the future that have been completed.

Future Perfect (अपूर्ण भविष्य) का उपयोग भविष्य काल के उन गतिविधियों के विवरण किया जाता है जो पूरे हो चुके हैं.

The future tense of "to have" is "will have." Technically, it's "I shall have" but it's "will have" for everyone else, and is usually said for "I." 

वह नहीं चला होगा !He will not have gone.
हम नहीं पड़े होंगे !We will not have read.
तुमने नहीं खा लिया होगा !You will not have eaten food
रमेश नहीं नचा होगा !Ramesh will not have danced.
वह नहीं नहाया होगा !He will not have taken Bath.
में बिस्तर पर नहीं सोया हूँगा !I will not have slept on bed.
रानी रोई नहीं होगी !Rani will not have Wept.
सोनू ने इस बारे में नहीं सोचा होगा !Sonu will not have thought about this.
सूरज ने उसके बारे में नहीं जाना होगा !Suraj will not have known about her.

(Use of Will Have)

Interrogative Sentences Future Perfect is used to describe actions in the future that have been completed.

Future Perfect (अपूर्ण भविष्य) का उपयोग भविष्य काल के उन गतिविधियों के विवरण किया जाता है जो पूरे हो चुके हैं.

The future tense of "to have" is "will have." Technically, it's "I shall have" but it's "will have" for everyone else, and is usually said for "I." 

क्या वह चला गया होगा !Will he have gone.
क्या हम पढ़ लिए होंगे !Will we have read.
क्या तुमने खा लिया होगा !Will you have eaten food
क्या रमेश नचा होगा !Will ramesh have danced.
क्या वह नहा लिया होगा !Will he have taken Bath.
क्या में बिस्तर पर सोया हूँगा !Will i have slept on bed.
क्या रानी रोई होगी !Will rani have Wept.
क्या सोनू ने इस बारे में सोचा होगा !Will sonu have thought about this.
क्या सूरज ने उसके बारे में जाना होगा !Will Suraj have known about her.

(Use of Is/Am/Are)
अंग्रेजी भाषा में is/ am/ are का प्रयोग सबसे आसान वाक्य बनाने में किया जाता है. इन तीनों का प्रयोग वर्तमान काल में simple sentences बनाने में किया जाता है. इनका प्रयोग आसान भी है और उपयोगी भी. आइए इस प्रकार के वाक्यों का अभ्यास करें :

Affirmative Sentences (सकारात्मक वाक्य)
मैं एक डॉक्टर हूँ.I’m a doctor.
यह कार है.This is a car.
यह साइकिल है.This is a cycle.
वह मंदिर है.That’s a temple.
यह हमारी फैक्ट्री है.This is our factory.
उसका नाम पूजा है.Her name is Pooja.
यह मेरी चाची हैं.This is my aunt.
वह एक लड़का है.That’s a boy.
यह एक पेंसिल है.This is a pencil.
यह कुर्सी पुरानी है.This chair is old.
यह कलम है.This is a pen.
महेश मेरा मित्र है.Mahesh is my friend.
वह मेरी बहन है.She is my sister.
वह एक विद्यार्थी है.He’s a student.
ये मेरी गायें हैं.These are my cows.
ये मेरी बोतलें हैं.These are my bottles.
वह धोखेबाज़ है.He is a cheater.
वह ईमानदार लड़की है.She’s an honest girl.
वे मेरे रिश्तेदार हैं.They’re my relatives.
वह बदसूरत है.She’s ugly.
(Use of Is/Am/Are)

Negative Sentences (नकारात्मक वाक्य)
मैं डॉक्टर नहीं हूँ.I’m not a doctor.
यह कार नहीं है.This is not a car.
यह साइकिल नहीं है.This is not a cycle.
वह मंदिर नहीं है.That’s not a temple.
तुम उदास नहीं हो.You’re not sad.
वे खुश नहीं हैं.They’re not happy.
हम विद्यार्थी नहीं हैं.We’re not students.
वे खिलाड़ी नहीं हैं.They’re not players.
यह मूर्ति नहीं है.This is not a statue.
ये बाल्टियाँ नहीं हैं.These are not buckets.

(Use of Is/Am/Are)

 Interrogative Sentences (प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य)
क्या तुम एक अध्यापक हो?Are you a teacher?
क्या वह बैलगाड़ी है?Is that a bullock cart?
क्या यह तुम्हारा पेन है?Is this your pen?
क्या सुजीत एक लेखक है?Is Sujeet a writer?
क्या वह भूखी है?Is she hungry?
क्या तुम बीमार हो?Are you ill?
क्या वे सैनिक हैं?Are they soldiers?
क्या हम मजदूर हैं?Are we labourers?
क्या बक्सा भारी है?Is the box heavy?
क्या ये प्लेटें हैं?Are these dishes?

(Use of Is/Am/Are)
Memorable Points :
(i). Am का प्रयोग के साथ किया जाता है. जबकि is का प्रयोग singular subjects जैसेs & he, she, Ram, Sita, this, that आदि के साथ तथा are का प्रयोग plural subjects जैसेs & we, you, they, these, those आदि के साथ होता है.
(ii). I’m I am का संक्षिप्त रूप है जो कि बोलचाल में काफ़ी प्रचलित है. I’m के  समान ही अन्य संक्षिप्त रूपों का भी अभ्यास करें जैसेsa  & That is का संक्षिप्त रूप That’sShe is का संक्षिप्त रूपShe’sHe is का संक्षिप्त रूप he’sWe are का संक्षिप्त रूप we’reThey are का संक्षिप्त रूपThey’re तथा You are  का संक्षिप्त रूप you’reहै.
(iii). Negative sentences बनाने के लिए is/are/am के बाद ‘not’ का प्रयोग किया जाता है.
(iv). Interrogative sentences बनाने के लिए is/are/am को वाक्य के शुरू में लगाया जाता है. 

Adverbs Test 2

Sr. N.Show Questions Below
1I usual have to reach office by 9 O' clock.

A. I usual have to
B. reach
C. office
D. by 9 O'clock
2I never am determined to yield to this point.

A. I
B. never am determined
C. to yield
D. to this point
3I shell meet you in the evening in Hide Park.

A. I shall
B. meet
C. you
D. in the evening in Hide Park
4We just have seen her.

A. we
B. just have
C. seen
D. her
5He played the violin brilliantly last night in the concert.

A. he played
B. the violin
C. brilliantly
D. last night in the concert
6It has been observed that some flowers don't smell sweetly

A. has been
B. some flowers
C. smell
D. sweetly
7The novel is too interesting.

A. the novel
B. is
C. too
D. interesting
8Let's have lunch sometimes

A. let's
B. have
C. lunch
D. sometimes
9Never again they will behave like this.

A. Never again
B. they will
C. behave
D. like this
10Once it was a novelty in America fixed prices are now universal in sales.

A. once it was
B. a nevelty in America
C. fixed prices
D. universal in sales

Prepositions Test 1

Sr. N.Show Questions Below
1Animals live in the areas that are covered in snow in winter.

A. live in
B. that
C. covered in
D. in winter
2Wood the hardened material from which trees are composed is made up of fibers.

A. the hardened
B. from which
C. composed
D. made up of
3Brain is made up of billions of neurons that differ with one another.

A. made up of
B. billions of
C. differ with
D. one another
4Art Nouveau was based of long curving lines inspired by climbing plants.

A. based
B. curving
C. inspired by
D. climbing
5Bacteria are responsible of many of the texture and flavors in our food.

A. Bacteria
B. responsible of
C. many of the texture
D. in our food
6The rocky island of Alcatraz was named by its large pelican colony.

A. the rocky
B. of
C. named by
D. its
7Henry stressed the importance in individuality.

A. stressed
B. the importance
C. in
D. individuality
8Your house is connected with the main cable TV network.

A. Your
B. connected
C. with
D. main
9Many of the satellites of space carry telescopes and other instruments.

A. of
B. of
C. carry
D. instruments Answer : Option B
10The need for vitamins of our diet was discovered by a Dutch doctor.

A. for
B. of
C. discovered
D. by

Prepositions Test 2

Sr. N.Show Questions Below
1Jet engines are used instead piston engines for almost all but the smallest aircraft.

A. Jet engines
B. instead piston
C. engines for almost
D. all but the smallest aircraft
2I have no interest and liking for her.

A. have
B. no interest
C. liking
D. for her
3Beside copper, fold, silver, lead, zinc, iron and uranium are mined in Utah.

A. Beside
B. and
C. mined
D. in Utah
4None of the states but for Hawaii is an island.

A. None of the states
B. but for
C. Hawaii is
D. an island
5Distinguish among butterflies and moths.

A. Distinguish
B. among
C. butterflies
D. and moths
6Rhymes have been traced back to a collection that appeared in England on 1760.

A. traced back
B. to
C. in
D. on 1760
7Metals such as copper silver iron and aluminum are good conductors for electricity.

A. such as copper
B. silver iron and aluminum
C. are good conductors
D. for electricity
8We can find the weight of anything that floats for weighing the water that it displaces.

A. find
B. of
C. floats
D. for Answer : Option D
9Frogs get much of their oxygen by means blood capillaries.

A. get
B. of
C. by
D. means
10The hormone insulin controls by the amount of sugar in the blood.

A. controls
B. by
C. of
D. in

Verb Test 1

Sr. N.Show Questions Below
1A great many athletes has managed to overcome serious physical handicaps.

A. a great many
B. athletes has
C. managed to
D. serious physical handicaps
2Light rays can make the desert appears to be a lake.

A. light rays
B. can make
C. the desert
D. appears
3Rubber is a good insulator of electricity and so does glass.

A. Rubber
B. good insulator
C. of electricity
D. so does glass
4Khipil was made stand for the whole day.

A. Khipil was
B. made
C. stand
D. for the whole day
5In the entire history of the solar system, thirty billion planets may has been lost.

A. in the entire history
B. the solar system
C. thirty billion planets
D. has been
6A new automobile needs to tuned up after the first five thousand miles.

A. a new automobile
B. needs to tuned
C. after the first five
D. thousand miles
7Secretaries are usually eligible for higher salaries when they know how shorthand.

A. Secretaries are usually
B. higher salaries
C. when they know
D. how shorthand
8Last year, Americans spended a lot of money on pet food.

A. Last year
B. spended
C. a lot of
D. on
9Students who used to using a calculator may forget how to do mental calculations.

A. who used
B. may forget
C. how to do
D. mental calculations
10If the eucalyptus tree was to become extinct, the koala bear would also die.

A. if the eucalyptus
B. was to become
C. koala bear
D. would also die

Verb Test 2

Sr. N.Show Questions Below
1It is essential that nitrogen is present in the soil for plants to grow.

A. it is essential
B. that nitrogen
C. is present
D. in the soil
2The Japanese attacked on Pearl Harbor.

A. the
B. Japanese
C. attacked on
D. Pearl Harbor
3The two friends shaked hands with each other.

A. the two friends
B. shaked
C. hands
D. each other
4Hold up the baby so that the soles of the feet touches a flat surface.

A. hold up
B. so that
C. soles
D. touches
5Financial planners usually recommend that an individual saves something.

A. recommend
B. that
C. saves
D. something
6Competitors were prevented to participate because of the economic depression.

A. competitors
B. prevented
C. to participate
D. because of
7Electronic timing were used for the first time in 1912.

A. Electronic timing
B. were used
C. for the first time
D. in 1912
8The two world wars prevented the Olympics from to take a place.

A. the two world wars
B. prevented
C. from
D. to take
9The Roman Emperor Theodosius ordered the games stopping in 394 A.D.

A. the Roman Emperor
B. ordered the games
C. stopping
D. in 394 A.D. Answer: Option C
10In ancient Greece, it was agreed stopping wars for the Olympic games.

A. in ancient
B. it was agreed
C. stopping
D. wars for the

Pronouns Test 1

Sr. N.Show Questions Below
1It is really very kind of yours to help me.

A. it
B. really
C. of
D. yours
2After the departure of paramour the man lived by him.

A. After the departure
B. paramour
C. the man lived
D. by him
3This is the movie whom I was talking about.

A. this is
B. the movie
C. whom
D. talking about
4You he and I are enemies from this day onward.

A. you he and I
B. are fighting
C. enemies
D. from this
5I you and they are fighting for a more worthy cause.

A. I you and they
B. are fighting
C. for
D. a more worthy
6Silver is mixed with another metal to make themselves harder.

A. is mixed
B. with
C. another metal
D. make themselves
7Narwhal is the only animal in the world that has tusk on only one side of it body.

A. the only animal
B. that has
C. only one
D. of it body
8Balloons rise into the air because they contain a gas who is lighter than air.

A. Balloons rise
B. they contain
C. who is
D. lighter than air
9The penguin chicks can't go into the water to get themselves own food.

A. the penguin
B. can't
C. into
D. themselves
10Most slugs and snails use a lung which opens through hole in the side of its bodies.

A. use
B. which opens
C. in the side
D. of its bodies

Pronouns Test 2

Sr. N.Show Questions Below
1Enzymes enable virus to enter cells in order to reproduce themselves.

A. enable virus
B. cells
C. in order to
D. reproduce themselves
2George won fame for his agriculture research who involves work with peanuts.

A. won
B. agriculture research
C. who
D. involves work
3Snails produce a colorless sticky discharge that forms a carpet as their travel.

A. colorless
B. that forms
C. as
D. their travel
4Dreaming like all other mental process. It is the product of the brain.

A. like all
B. it is
C. the product
D. of the brain
5Every fuel has their own particular temperature at which it begins to burn.

A. has their
B. own particular temperature
C. at which
D. it begins
6Harriet, whe an escaped slave, led more than three hundred slaves to freedom.

A. she
B. an escaped slave
C. three hundred slaves
D. freedom
7There is really no reason of you becoming so annoyed.

A. there is
B. really no reason
C. of
D. you becoming
8It's paw injured the lioness limped down.

A. it's
B. paw injured
C. the lioness
D. limped down
9Who shall I blame for this loss?

A. who
B. shall
C. I blame
D. for this loss
10Jack London, who was known for his stories of Alaska, lived there.

A. who was known
B. for his stories of Alaska
C. lived
D. there

Adjectives Test 1

Sr. N.Show Questions Below
1The modern cameras need only a few light as compared with the earlier models.

A. cameras need
B. only a few
C. light
D. as compared with
2The mind experiences more unconsciouser than conscious activity.

A. the mind
B. experiences
C. unconsciouser
D. conscious
3This answer sounds queerly.

A. this
B. answer
C. sounds
D. queerly
4Henry's offer is not enough good to be accepted.

A. Henry's offer
B. is not
C. enough good
D. to be accepted
5The words in the summary of the poem are so ambiguous to be understood.

A. in the summary
B. of the poem
C. so ambiguous
D. be understood
6No fingerprint is exactly alike another.

A. no fingerprint
B. is exactly
C. alike
D. another
7Picasso can't be viewed without feeling badly aout the type of people portrayed.

A. Picasso
B. can't be viewed
C. without feeling
D. badly about
8The match between Pakistan and India was not excited enough.

A. the match
B. between
C. Pakistan and India
D. excited enough
9Joseph is the most activest of all.

A. Joseph
B. is the most
C. activest
D. of all
10Sugar-cane contains not vitamin.

A. Sugar-cane
B. contains
C. not
D. vitamin

Adjectives Test 2

Sr. N.Show Questions Below
1The oxygen concentration in the lungs is higher than in the blood.

A. the oxygen
B. concentration
C. in the lungs
D. higher than
2Some property of lead are its softness and resistance.

A. some property
B. lead are
C. its softness
D. and resistance
3An usual treatment for the flu is to drink plenty of liiquids.

A. an usual
B. for the flu
C. is to drink
D. plenty of liquids
4As many 100 billion stars are in the milky way.

A. as many 100
B. billion stars
C. are in
D. the milky way
5It is the world's largest group of islands forming a ten thousand islands chain.

A. it is the
B. world's largest
C. group of islands
D. a ten thousand islands
6He was very interested in her.

A. he was
B. very
C. interested
D. in her
7Ann is prettier from Pamela.

A. ann is
B. prettier
C. from
D. Pamela
8The both friends liked the same girl to marry.

A. the both friends
B. liked
C. same girl
D. to marry
9The news editor asked the reporter what the last news was.

A. the news editor
B. asked
C. reporter what
D. the last news
10The narrower the lense diameter is, the more great the depth of the field is.

A. the
B. narrower the
C. the more great
D. depth of the field is

Adverbs Test 1

Sr. N.Show Questions Below
1Not until the late Middle Ages glass did become a major construction material.

A. Not until the late Middle Ages
B. glass did become
C. a major
D. construction material
2When a mechanic working at odd job, Elisha Otis invented the elevator.

A. when the chemical
B. mechanic working
C. at odd job
D. invented the elevator
3The common goldfish may live as long twenty-five years.

A. the common goldfish
B. may live
C. as long
D. twenty-five years
4When the chemicals inside a cell not longer produce ions the cell stops functioning.

A. when the chemical
B. inside a cell
C. not longer
D. produce ions
5The British fleet arrived lately.

A. the British
B. fleet
C. arrived
D. lately
6Thor Heyerdahl worked diligent to prove his theory of cultural diffusion.

A. Thor Heyerdahl worked
B. diligent
C. to prove
D. theory of cultural diffusion
7Wholly artificial insemination has contributed to the quality of maintaining dairy herds.

A. wholly
B. artificial insemination
C. has contributed
D. maintaining dairy herds
8Not once Lincoln has been painted smiling.

A. not once
B. Lincoln has
C. been
D. painted smiling
9I was very homesick when a student abroad.

A. I was
B. very homesick
C. when
D. a student abroad
10Adam none longer works here.

A. Adam
B. none longer
C. works
D. here

एसिड भाटा रोग / GERD क्या है? एसिड भाटा रोग / GERM के क्या कारण हैं? एसिड भाटा रोग / GERD के लिए घरेलू उपचार

एसिड भाटा रोग / GERD क्या है? एसिड भाटा रोग / GERM के क्या कारण हैं? एसिड भाटा रोग / GERD के लिए घरेलू उपचार एसिड भाटा रोग / GERD क...