- Translation
- Articles-A, An or The New
- Double Future New
- Double Past New
- Rule of 'ING' New
- Use of It and There New
- Use of Keep on / Go on / Carry on New
- Use of Let New
- Use of Make New
- Use of Get New
- Use of Is/Am/Are New
- Use of Was/Were New
- Use of This & That New
- Use of These & Those New
- Use of Shall be & Will be New
- Use of Has / Have / Had New
- Use of Will Have New
- Use of Had Better New
- Use of Dare New
- Use of This, these, that, those New
- Use Capital Letters? New
- Use of Apostrophes New
- Introductory There New
- Introductory it New
- Guidelines for Using Capital Letters New
- Omission of A/An/the New
- Hindi-English Alphabet New
- Imperative, Negative and Interrogative Sentences New
- Letters (A to Z) New
- Writing Names in English New
- Grammer Rules
- Noun - संज्ञा
- Pronoun - सर्वनाम
- Verb - क्रिया
- Adjective - विशेषण
- Adverb - क्रिया-विशेषण
- Preposition - पूर्वसर्ग
- Preposition List - पूर्वसर्ग सुची
- Conjunctions - समुच्चयबोधक
- Interjection - विस्मयादिबोधक
- Is/Am/Are (है/हूँ/हो) Rules
- Was/Were (था/थी/थे) Rules
- Persent Tense Rules
- Past Tense Rules
- Future Tense Rules
- May Rules
- Might Rules
- May have / Might have Rules
- Can Rules
- Could Rules
- Will be able to Rules
- Shall/Will Rules
- Should And Ought To Rules
- Would Rules
- Must Rules
- Need Rules
- Dare Rules
- Have/Has Rules
- Passive Voice of Present Indefinite Tense Rule
- Passive Voice of Present Continuous Tense Rule
- Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense Rule
- Passive Voice of Past Indefinite Tense Rule
- Passive Voice of Past Continuous Tense Rule
- Passive Voice of Past Perfect Tense Rule
- Passive Voice of Future Indefinite Tense Rule
- Passive Voice of Future Perfect Tense Rule
- Passive Voice of W-Family Sentence
- Indefinite Tenses Rules
- Present Indefinite Tense
- Past Indefinite Tense
- Future Indefinite Tense
- Continuous Tenses Rules
- Present Continuous Tense
- Past Continuous Tense
- Future Continuous Tense
- Perfect Tenses Rules
- Present Perfect Tense
- Past Perfect Tense
- Future Perfect Tense
- Perfect Continuous Tenses Rules
- Present Perfect Continuous Tense
- Past Perfect Continuous Tense
- Future Perfect Continuous Tense
- Verb/Helping verb का प्रयोग....Translation
- I + verb/helping Verb का प्रयोग
- I have का प्रयोग
- Questions Words का प्रयोग
- There, it, If + Let का प्रयोग
- Tenses...Simple Translation
- Present Indefinite Tense
- Present Continuous Tense
- Present Perfect Tense
- Present Perfect Continuous Tense
- Past Indefinite Tense
- Past Continuous Tense
- Past Perfect Tense
- Past Perfect Continuous Tense
- Future Indefinite Tense
- Future Continuous Tense
- Future Perfect Tense
- Future Perfect Continuous Tense
- Modals (मॉडल)....Simple Translation
- May (सकता है)
- Might (सकता है/सकता था)
- May have / Might have
- Can (सकता है)
- Could (सकता है/सकता था)
- Will be able to
- Shall/Will
- Should And Ought To
- Would
- Must (जरूर चाहिए,अवश्य चाहिए)
- Need (ज़रूरत,आवश्यकता)
- Dare (हिम्मत,साहस)
- Used To
- Have/Has (पास है/रखता है)
- Polite Words (विनम्र शब्द)
- Compulsion Sentenes (मजबूरी वाले वाक्य)
- Questions Making.....Simple Translation
- Yes/No Type Questions
- Tag Type Questions
- W-family words - What & Which
- W-family words - Who, Whom
- W-family words - Who, Whose
- W-family words - Where & When
- W-family words - Why & How
- Other Types of Questions
- Dialogues & Conversations.....Simple Translation
- Greetings and Introductions
- Do You Speak English ? (क्या आप अंग्रेजी बोलते/बोलती है? कि बातचीत)
- Ask Directions (दिशाएँ पूछना कि बातचीत)
- A New Student And The Teacher (एक नए छात्र और शिक्षक कि बातचीत)
- An Uncle And A Boy (पुरुषों और लड़के कि बातचीत)
- Conversation At A Clinic (एक क्लीनिक में वार्तालाप कि बातचीत)
- Do You Want Something to Drink? (क्या आप कुछ पीना चाहते ? कि बातचीत)
- Choosing a time to meet (मिलने के लिए समय चुनना कि बातचीत)
- When do you want to go ? (आप कब जाना चाहते/चाहती है? कि बातचीत)
- Ordering food (खाना माँगना बातचीत)
- Do you have enough money? (क्या आप के पास काफ़ी पैसे हैं? कि बातचीत)
- How are you ? (आप कैसे/कैसी है? कि बातचीत)
- Introducing a friend (एक दोस्त का परिचय करना कि बातचीत)
- Buying a shirt (कमीज़ खरीदना कि बातचीत)
- Ask about the place (जगह के बारें में पूछना कि बातचीत)
- Who is that woman? (वह औरत कौन है? कि बातचीत)
- Market is Close (बाज़ार बंद है कि बातचीत)
- General Questions (सामान्य सवाल कि बातचीत)
- I lost my wallet (मैंने अपना बटुआ खो दिया कि बातचीत)
- Phone in the office (दफ़्तर में फ़ोन कि बातचीत)
- Family trip (परिवार के साथ सफ़र कि बातचीत)
- I went shopping (मैंने खरीददारी की कि बातचीत)
- Exercises for Practice Test
- Parts of Speech 1New
- Parts of Speech 2New
- Parts of Speech 3New
- Noun Test 1New
- Noun Test 2New
- Pronouns Test 1New
- Pronouns Test 2New
- Adjectives Test 1New
- Adjectives Test 2New
- Adverbs Test 1New
- Adverbs Test 2New
- Prepositions Test 1New
- Prepositions Test 2New
- Verb Test 1New
- Verb Test 2New
- I + verb/helping Verb का प्रयोग
- Use of 'I'm'
- I don't know what to + (verb) का प्रयोग
- I should have + (past participle)
- I'm having a hard time + (verb-ing) का प्रयोग
- I'm calling to + (verb) का प्रयोग
- I'm working on + (noun)
- I'm sorry to + (verb) का प्रयोग
- I'm thinking of + (verb-ing) का प्रयोग
- I'm dying to + (verb) का प्रयोग
- I'm good at का प्रयोग
- I'm + (verb) का प्रयोग
- I'm getting का प्रयोग
- I'm trying + (verb) का प्रयोग
- I'm gonna + (verb) का प्रयोग
- Variations of 'I'm in/at/on' का प्रयोग
- I used to + (verb) का प्रयोग
- I wanna + (verb) का प्रयोग
- I gotta + (verb) का प्रयोग
- I would like to + (verb) का प्रयोग
- I plan to + (verb) का प्रयोग
- I've decided to + (verb) का प्रयोग
- I was about to + (verb) का प्रयोग
- I didn't mean to + (verb) का प्रयोग
- I don't have time to + (verb) का प्रयोग
- I promise not to + (verb) का प्रयोग
- I'll help you + (verb) का प्रयोग
- I think I should + (verb) का प्रयोग
- Thank you for
- Can I + (verb) का प्रयोग
- Can I get + (noun)
- I'm not sure if (subject + verb) का प्रयोग
- There, it, If + Let का प्रयोग
- It's my turn to + (verb) का प्रयोग
- It's hard for me to + (verb) का प्रयोग
- It occurred to me that (subject + verb) का प्रयोग
- It's too bad that
- You could have + (past participle)
- If I were you, I would + (verb) का प्रयोग
- It's gonna be + (adjective)
- It looks like + (noun)
- That's why + (subject + verb) का प्रयोग
- It's time to + (verb) का प्रयोग
- The point is that + (subject + verb) का प्रयोग
- There is something wrong with + (noun)
- Let's not + (verb) का प्रयोग
- Let's say that + (subject + verb) का प्रयोग
- Let me + (verb) का प्रयोग
- There's no need to + (verb) का प्रयोग
- It takes + (time) + to + (verb) का प्रयोग
- Please make sure that + (subject + verb) का प्रयोग
- Here's to + (noun)
- It's no use + (verb-ing) का प्रयोग
- There's no way + (subject + verb) का प्रयोग
- It's very kind of you to + (verb) का प्रयोग
- There's nothing + (subject) + can + (verb) का प्रयोग
- Questions Words का प्रयोग
- How often do you
- Do you want me to + (verb)का प्रयोग
- What do you think about (verb-ing) का प्रयोग
- Why don't we + (verb) का प्रयोग
- How was + (noun)
- How about + (verb-ing) का प्रयोग
- What if + (subject + verb) का प्रयोग
- How much does it cost to + (verb) का प्रयोग
- How come + (subject + verb) का प्रयोग
- What are the chances of + (verb-ing) का प्रयोग
- has it that + (subject + verb) का प्रयोग
- Do you mind if I + (verb) का प्रयोग
ब्लॉग आर्काइव
बुधवार, 29 अप्रैल 2020
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